Timeworm is a Spokane-based confluence of musical space-time where indie rock, funk, pop, and psychedelia meet. Lead singer, drummer, and multi-instrumentalist J. I. Gassen imparts sweet falsetto refrains over tight-pocket grooves, while guitarist Indy Heyer sails through his signature blend of scorching riffs and sweeping progressions, all complemented by the syncopated fusion of rhythm and melody of bassist John Wayne Williams. Timeworm channels the dynamic energy of the Inland Northwest rock scene in live performances while setting themselves apart by delivering catchy melodies in everything from soulful jams to distorted soundscapes.
Timeworm formed after singer-songwriter J. I. Gassen and budding guitar wizard Indy Heyer met at a local jam session in the summer of 2023. Gassen longed to bring his unique synthesis of singing and drumming to the stage after writing and recording his own music since 2016. Heyer played frequent solo cover gigs around town but had never been in a band, hungry to bring his talents to a collaborative project. The two found immediate chemistry and soon began jamming and writing original tunes in Gassen’s home studio he dubbed Mystery Balloon Records.
While working at a taproom in downtown Spokane in the fall of 2023, Gassen met John Wayne Williams, a Texas transplant performing acoustic country songs as the night’s musical guest. Looking to grow Timeworm, Gassen approached Williams between sets. They quickly bonded over their love of rhythmic interplay between bass and drums in their favorite bands. Expressing his desire to play bass again after contributing to church groups growing up, Williams joined Timeworm and slotted perfectly within Gassen and Heyer’s burgeoning sonic connection.
Timeworm played their first show in January 2024 to a sold-out crowd, inspiring the group to bring their infectious sound to more audiences. Energized by momentum from the deluge of original ideas flowing from their weekly sessions, they began recording and producing their debut LP due out in Spring 2025, on which they are already hard at work this year.
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